In the EL lessons, we try to give the students information about life in other countries in Europe.
If there is a special event in the UK, for example, we often make projects so that the children can understand what is happening there.
Recently, we had a Royal Wedding in London. The students from Grade 4 had fun finding out about the Royal couple!
Grade 4 Royal Wedding in London
Students from Elementary school enjoy English lessons at school camp!
We try to give the children a taste of life in a British school, especially English outdoor games and songs.
There are eegg and spoonf races, ethree-leggedf races, fun relay races and sack races!
We also have big group games like ePlease Mr. Crocodilef and eLadders.f British children have played these games at school camp and on sports day for many, many years!
Egg and spoon relay race
Three-legged race - fun outdoors!